Supercharge your magic with one of these simple and powerful spells.
This is an excerpt from my book, You Are Magical.
The magical spiritual path is an endless spiral. By walking it, you move deeper and deeper into the heart and soul of your power.
There may be times when it seems your magical power has fled, or when you question whether it was ever there to begin with. While most magical practitioners feel this way at one point or another, the truth is that your power never really leaves you. You may feel out of touch with it at times, but it’s there, simply waiting for you to rediscover it.
It’s also true that every experience – even if the experience causes you to feel disempowered, disenfranchised, and decidedly un-magical – ultimately moves you closer to magical mastery. Indeed, the long view will never fail to reveal that every single occurrence is a learning experience and an invitation to open up even more full to the sumptuous splendor of your spiritual self.
These spells will support you through the power portals along your spiritual and magical path, and facilitate the natural expansion of your gifts.
Spell 1: Maximize Your Manifestation Ability
Our ability to magnetize magic and miracles depends on many factors, such as our level of energetic harmony and potency, our degree of trust in divine orchestration, and our ability to clearly focus our thoughts and feeling on what we’d like to experience.
This potion cultivates all these factors and more. By the end of the moon cycle, you’ll have majorly multiplied your manifesting mojo.
- A clean blue water bottle you love (Glass or plastic will both work)
- Drinking water
- Kunzite gem essence
On the morning of a new moon, fill your bottle with drinking water. Add two drops of kunzite essence and drink. (You can drink it all at once or sip it throughout the day, as long as you finish it all.) Repeat every day until the next new moon.
(Also check out this online manifestation course I’m offering with my podcast cohost! It starts in January.)
Spell 2: Enhance Your Personal Power
Potent personal power translates to charisma, confidence, and general life mastery. It means you stand your ground, speak your truth, enjoy your life, and feel comfortable in your own skin.
- A hiking trail somewhere with trees
Simply go for a solitary walk on a beautiful nature trail. Keep your phone off and pay close attention to the trees, the feel of your feet on the earthy, and all the other sensory treats that surround you. As you walk feel that your are absorbing strength and beauty from your surroundings.
I know this spell sounds so simple that it almost doesn’t sound like a spell at all, but every time you do it, your personal power will enjoy a significant boost.
(In this video, I go more deeply into communing with nature for spiritual healing and empowerment.)
Spell 3: Supercharge Your Luck
You are naturally lucky. Tapping into that luck is like finding your groove on a dance floor: once you’ve got it, you’ve got it. And it gains more exuberance and enthusiasm with each new song.
Those of us dancing to the rhythm of luck seem to easily attract everything, from parking spaces to happy coincidences to life partners, all like it’s the natural way of the world.
This charm will help you find your luck if it’s missing, or increase it if it’s already there.
- 1 acorn
- 1 tablespoon dried elecampane root
- A square of bright red cotton cloth
- Hemp twine
- Essential oil of lavender
On a Sunday when the moon is waxing, place the acorn and elecampane on the cloth and tie it into a bundle with the twine to create a charm. Anoint it with essential oil of lavender. Hold the charm in your open, right palm and say:
I’m lucky yesterday, tomorrow, and today.
I’m lucky at work and lucky at play.
For this infinite luck that money can’t buy,
I thank water and earth, fire and sky.
Keep the charm against your skin (perhaps safety-pinned to the inside of your clothes) for seven days. Each day before you wear it, reappoint it with lavender oil and repeat the chant. After the seven days, release the contents of the charm to the earth and throw away the cloth and hemp twine. (Or you can save the cloth and twine for future magical use. The twine can also be composted.)
If you like these spells, you’ll love the book they came from! Check it out and order yourself a copy here.
Are you going to try one of these spells? Or do you have any questions about them? Please speak up in the comments below.
You may also like these 7 Journaling Prompts That Will Activate Your Power and these 5 Magical Ways to Get Out of a Funk.
Hi Tess,
My daughter is being tricked into a move into a house that her inlaws had a hand in buying right next door to them this week in a power move to control her. Do you have a suggestion to help change this my daughter does not see the control that my husband and I see. We are worried for her that this is a very bad situation.
Hi, A! I would not seek to change the dynamic, but I would only recommend a spell for protection in this case, so as not to magically intervene where you have not been invited. For example, spell #2 from this post would be appropriate to do on your daughter’s behalf:
Hello Tess,
Would this luck charm be enhanced if pyrite were added to the charm bundle? I have some very small pieces of pyrite from some crystal digging that I have been looking for a use for and thought this luck charm might just work. Please let me know.
Thanks so much,
Wendy, I think that’s a great idea, especially since it sounds like your intuition is leading you in that direction.
Thanks so much Tess! I sometimes worry about adding things because I don’t want to indirectly change the purpose of the charm. I appreciate your quick and helpful response. Blessings to you.
No problem, Wendy! Blessings to you too.
Hi Tess,
Did you mean for your spell to say “lucky at place”? And if so, wondering what that means?
Thanks so much!
Whoops! Thanks for pointing that out. It’s “lucky at play.” I fixed it.