When you’re having trouble getting started with clearing clutter and organizing, start here.
I know you’re thinking about how much clutter there is to clear. But there is no need! You can’t clear it all at once anyway.
So instead, narrow your focus to one single, finite step. Which step, you ask? Take your pick from the ones below.
(Hint: start with what’s easiest.)
#1 Place to Start Clearing Clutter: Your Fridge
There is something so liberating about getting rid of all the expired and unwanted stuff in your fridge, and making it sparkle like new. And it’s so easy and attainable! This you can do all in one day.
#2 Place to Start Clearing Clutter: Your Medicine Cabinet and Bathroom Cupboards
Clearing clutter from the bathroom makes your morning routine so much easier, which instantly frees up more time, which will come in handy for clearing clutter from other places in your house…but don’t think about that now! Just think about the bathroom. Bathrooms are small. You can totally clear clutter from an entire bathroom in no more than an hour!
#3 Place to Start Clearing Clutter: Your Bedroom Closet
You know what’s really fun? Taking everything out of your closet. Every. Thing. Every single thing. Then sweep, dust, and/or vacuum the inside and maybe even safely smudge in there with some natural incense or an aromatherapy linen and room spray. Then only put clothes back in that you actually love and feel great in. Donate the rest or shlep the whole mess to a clothes swap. I promise: you’ll love opening your closet and seeing only clothes that fit you and you love to wear.
In summary: choose one small, doable area. Then go!
Remember to come back and let me know: did you start clearing the clutter? And then did you continue?
You may also like How to Clear the Energy in Your Home in 5 Simple Steps.
Aha! Yes, it pays to clear the clutter – sometimes literally. 🙂
I find eBaying unwanted clothes items can be a good incentive to get rid of them. I went through my cupboard for things I didn't wear and I made a nice little amount of money back which can be saved up for future adventures!