Here’s a quick guide to 44 gemstones, along with how you can use them in your spells, rituals, meditations, crystal grids, and other magical work.
Here’s a list of crystals with healing properties, meanings, and benefits, along with how you can use crystals to create positive change in your life.
If you’re wondering what crystal or crystals you need for a given purpose, ritual, or intention, you’re in the right place!
Amber’s properties include sweetness, happiness, and abundance. Use this honey-colored stone in charms, spells, and rituals to lift your mood, attract joyful romance, and boost your prosperity.
Amethyst possesses a purifying vibration that is highly spiritual. This beloved violet-hued quartz’s healing properties include removing negative influences and helping you release attachment to habits, patterns, and relationships that lower your vibration. It also helps you sleep. Use this crystal to break addictions, align with your intuition, and connect with spirit.
Angel Aura
Angel Aura quartz can be used to help you connect with the angelic realm. It has a purifying, inspiring, uplifting frequency. Employ this shimmery crystal in your magical work to help you communicate with angels, cleanse your aura, and fine tune your personal energy.
Angelite has a comforting and soothing vibrations and benefits. It reduces stress, smoothes harshness, and connects you with the angelic guidance that surrounds you always. Employ this crystal in spells, rituals, and other magical work in order to reduce anxiety, heal the inner conditions that may be causing nightmares, and realign you with your natural state of well-being.
Apophyllite has properties that can help you connect with other galaxies and star beings. It facilitates astral travel and spirit journeys. Wear or carry this sparkly crystal during meditation to help you access the Akashic records. Place it on your third eye to receive or remember wisdom from other realms, dimensions, and lifetimes.
Aqua Aura
Aqua aura quartz’s meaning can be described as relentless positivity. If you want to change your vibration for the better, or if you want to protect yourself from negativity even in extremely challenging situations, aqua aura is up to the task. Be sure to empower your crystal in sunlight and cleanse it in sage smoke regularly, and not to overuse it for this purpose, or it will find its way out of your possession (i.e. you will lose it or it will disappear). It can also help you discover your truth and speak your truth.
Aquamarine’s benefits are highly purifying like bright sunlight at a high elevation, although aquamarine is also a gentle and soothing stone. Wear it to cleanse your body, emotions, and aura. It’s also a good stone to use for healing and purifying the skin. Incorporate it in rituals to help you know that you deserve wealth and that abundance is your natural state.
Aventurine is a favorite prosperity stone because its properties resonate at the frequency of the heart chakra, which is infinite and generous. Employ this crystal to help you align your passion with your livelihood and to connect your career with your heart. In charms, spells, rituals, and crystal grids, it can be used to help you feel comfortable with wealth through knowing that wealth is your natural state.
Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline’s healing properties are deeply relaxing and comforting. It neutralizes negativity, worry, and frenetic thought. Sleep with this stone or meditate with it to help quiet the mind. In charms and rituals, it can be used for powerful protection from narcissists, challenging family members or ex-partners, and anyone who may be harboring ill intentions or trying to attach to your energy field in an unhealthy way. Black tourmaline can also help disrupt and dissolve challenging patterns and stories from past lives, ancestors, and cultural messages.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue lace agate has a softening, comforting, feminine quality that can be used to help you heal mother issues, repair relationship issues, promote feelings of worthiness, and feel safe in your life and the world. This crystal is ideal for charms and rituals involving relationship healing, healing from abuse, self-compassion, self-care, and self-love.
Carnelian’s properties make it a great stone for confidence and truth-speaking. Would you love to be able to speak publicly without debilitating fear or shame? Carnelian can help. If you’re always in your head and never in your body, carnelian can help change that by grounding you and promoting a free flow of energy between all the chakras. Carnelian’s dynamic is also related to courage, boldness, and knowing your worth. Employ it in charms and rituals for overcoming fear, taking action, busting out of ruts, and embodying success.
Celestite is a highly vibrating stone that not only purifies your energy and intentions, but also aligns you with wealth and invites in a strong and steady financial flow. If you’re in the business of selling something, celestite can help bring in a consistent and generous flow of sales. This crystal reminds you that while you are selling in order to make a profit, you are also engaging in transactions that benefit all involved. Use it in charms and rituals to help align your work with the highest vibrations of love and goodwill, and to attract customers who will happily benefit from your offerings and work.
Chrysocolla is a stone of abundance. It helps you vibrate at the frequency of wealth by bringing you into an awareness that you deserve all beautiful things. Carry or wear chrysocolla to open up to knowing that being rich is your birthright. Chrysocolla is a natural choice for wealth charms.
Citrine’s meaning is abundance. It’s a classic wealth crystal because it vibrates at the frequency of joy. When we desire wealth and abundance, what we are really craving is to feel good: to feel safe, loved, treasured, happy, luxurious, and at home in the world. And citrine offers all of that. Like attracts like: so when we feel prosperous, we become prosperous. Citrine is a great crystal to use in wealth and money drawing charms, crystal grids, money meditations, and in conjunction with wealth and success affirmations.
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz can be empowered with any intention to hold and emanate that intention, which is why it is often considered a mineral that can be used as a substitute for any other stone in a charm, spell, or ritual (provided you do, indeed, empower it with your desired intention). It is also highly energizing and can empower anything it is placed near. In your magical work, you can fold up a written list of intentions or a single goal and place a clear quartz crystal on top. You can also place a clear quartz crystal near a picture of yourself or someone else to add extra energy for any reason, such as physical healing, emotional healing, courage, boldness, or success.
Fluorite’s healing properties are clarifying, energizing, and cleansing. This crystal vibrates at the frequency of the air element and the mind, so it’s helpful in offices and study areas, and it can be carried or worn to promote intelligence and the realization of creative solutions. If you’ve felt energetically contaminated or weighed down by other peoples’ energy, keep a fluorite near to keep your energy clear and positive. Use it in spells, rituals, and charms for clarity, accuracy, energy, and quickness of thought. It’s also aligned with the fairies and faerie realm.
Garnet is an excellent love stone. In spells, charms, rituals, and crystal grids, it’s uses include passion, sensuality, beauty, and attraction. Garnet also helps to activate the root chakra, which can promote abundance, grounding, focus, and success.
Hematite is a potent stone for influence, power, authority, and success. If you want to make a good impression, or to make sure your views are heard and considered, you need a hematite. When you hold it, you can feel that it has gravity. It lends that gravity to your communications, intentions, and efforts. Use it in charms, spells, rituals, and crystal grids for job interviews, important meetings, and any other time you’d like to be noticed, heard, seen, valued, and respected.
Herkimer Diamond
Herkimer diamond is one of the best stones on this list to use for repelling and transforming negativity. When it comes to keeping yourself safe in a challenging energetic environment, think of this crystal like energetic bug repellent. It also detoxifies negative thoughts, intentions, and vibrations, purifying everything with light and love.
Jade’s healing properties are like a forest of eucalyptus or a field of aloe: powerful, soothing, prosperous, cool, healing, and lush. Carry or wear jade, or employ it in a spell, ritual, charm, or crystal grid to restructure your relationship with money and wealth.
Jasper is among the best stones for physical healing. Place it on any body part or area that needs healing to speed up your body’s natural healing process. It’s also a healing stone for the emotions, so it can be used to help with grief, loss, and a broken heart, especially by placing it directly on the heart area (with a pendant or through the laying on of stones).
Kunzite, reminiscent of pale pink ice, is an excellent crystal ally for purifying the heart. Kunzite’s meaning is gentle love. If you’re healing from a breakup or an old, unhelpful relationship pattern, place kunzite directly on the heart area as you recline, or wear a pendant over your heart. It can also be purifying to the aura and heart chakra to sleep with a kunzite under your pillow or on your nightstand.
Kyanite’s healing properties are physically strengthening and enhance the brightness and positivity of the aura. It also assists with truth speaking, grounding, and physical healing. Kyanite is especially useful when carried or worn, or you can incorporate it in charms for any of these purposes.
Labradorite is protective and stress-relieving, and it helps fine tune the energy field when something feels off. You might need a Labradorite when you want to boost your intuition and begin to discover and embody your magical abilities.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis is a stone of joy that brings great benefits. It’s a go-to crystal ally for children and children’s bedrooms, to help them feel safe and positive. In your magical work, use lapis lazuli as a charm for positivity, creativity, inner child work, and happiness.
Larimar is aligned with the angelic and unicorn realms, and possesses clear and bright energy that will lift your vibration, boost your mood, and clear negativity out of your aura. Its properties help activate the throat chakra and heal blocks around creativity and self-expression. Larimar works best when worn or carried.
Lepidolite’s properties draw new love, lifts the spirits, cleanses and brightens the aura, and brings joy to the heart. Lepidolite’s meanings include lightness and freedom. Employ this lavender crystal in charms, rituals, and crystal grids, or take the gem elixir, for any of these purposes.
Malachite is a favorite stone for wealth magic. Its lush green color is reminiscent of a vibrantly healthy plant, and it attunes one’s personal vibration to the frequency of prosperity and abundance. Malachite also possesses the property of ancient wisdom, so it can be used to remember spiritual skills and abilities from past lifetimes. Use it in charms for health, wealth, and magical mastery.
Moldavite is an otherworldly green stone formed from meteorite impact. Star seeds (people who identify as having had past lives on other planets) might need a moldavite because they often feel nourished and energized from working with this crystal. It’s also an excellent space clearing stone and can be used to help neutralize and transmute negativity in a physical space.
Moonstone has soft, lunar properties that will attune you to the frequency of the moon. If it’s your intention to become more receptive in any way – to intuitive information, romance, a natural flow of wealth, etc. – moonstone is perhaps the best crystal on this list for the purpose. It can help align you with divine timing and synchronicity when you have been overly rigid or obsessed with structure, and it can soothe and heal feminine health challenges related to devaluing femininity or the female experience.
Moss Agate
Moss agate is a grounding stone of abundance and health. Employ it in rituals and meditations for money, prosperity, grounding, and physical wellness. Its properties also support plants, so you can place it in a potted plant or near any herb, flower, bush, or tree in order to bolster and nourish the plant’s physical and energetic wellness. And, use it in magic to connect with the earth and heal the earth.
Obsidian is a protective stone. Wear it over your heart to minimize empathic overload and shield you from harsh energy. This volcanic stone is also grounding, and it possesses healing properties that can help you feel safe in your body and in the physical world. Obsidian can also help with secrecy and flying under the radar: when you’d rather not be noticed, empower an obsidian with that intention and hold it in your left hand.
Opal’s metaphysical properties open the portal between the worlds and can help you communicate with loved ones who have passed. This ethereal stone’s watery and otherworldly qualities can also help with creative endeavors, particularly music, poetry, and visual art.
Pyrite has grounding, restructuring properties that can help align you with the vibration and experience of longterm wealth and abundance. Use this stone to help you release blocks around receiving and having money, and to simultaneously attract money. It’s excellent in crystal grids (particularly in the center of crystal grids) for this purpose.
Quartz with Hematite
Quartz with hematite is an anchoring stone with many benefits that help bring your goals and dreams into physical form. Wear or carry this stone when you have a clear picture of what you want to do, be, or create, and now it’s time to actualize that picture. This crystal helps you move steadily, persistently, and incrementally toward building your vision, which brings eventual success.
Rhodochrosite has many uses including bolstering the heart chakra, boosting energy, protecting from negativity, and infusing the aura with the energies of sweetness and joy. Rhodochrosite draws harmonious romance and promotes self-love. Wear or carry this rosy stone, or incorporate it in your spells, rituals, charms, crystal grids, and other magical work for any of these uses.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is a favorite crystal for soothing and healing the heart, and promoting pain relief and physical healing. This soft pink stone has many healing properties including relieving stress, healing grief and heartbreak, and promoting a healthy flow of energy through the aura. Rose quartz is also a good crystal to choose for children who are extra sensitive, as well as for inner child work. And, it brings great benefits to romantic love.
Ruby is physically strengthening and draws passionate love. This red/pink gemstone also boosts success by promoting passion, boldness, courage, and the inspiration to begin. Physically, its properties help heal the heart and blood. Wear it, carry it, take the gem elixir, or incorporate it in charms for this purpose.
Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated quartz is a wonderful stone for clarity of the mind. This crystal might be just what you need when you want to sort things out, see things clearly, and clearly articulate your inner vision. Wear or carry it for any of these uses.
Selenite is extremely helpful for energy clearing. You can use a selenite wand to clear your personal energy, or the energy of a physical object or space, much as you would use a sage bundle. This crystal’s metaphysical properties absorb and neutralize energy like nothing else. Make sure to keep its benefits strong by placing it in sunlight regularly. (Do not run it under water or it will slowly dissolve.)
Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz’s metaphysical properties are grounding, protective, and physically and energetically detoxifying. You might need to employ this dusky crystal in your magical work when you want to cut energetic cords and promote a calm and serene vibration.
Sodalite facilitates a clear connection to the spirit realm. It does this by grounding you in the physical world by simultaneously cleansing and opening your third eye. Wear or carry this deep blue stone when you are learning a new intuitive art or actively cultivating your intuitive abilities.
Sugilite’s metaphysical properties are aligned with the purifying violet flame, so Sodalite purifies the energy of a person, object, or space by transforming stuck or challenging energy into blessings. This deep purple crystal is great to wear when you are in a challenging energetic environment because it will actually change negative or dense energy into bright, healthy, positive energy you can embody and use.
Turquoise is highly positive and protective. It’s aligned with both the earth and the sky, so it can be used to protect you from all angles and directions. Wear or carry turquoise for comprehensive protection from ill will or negative intent in both seen and unseen realms. Be sure to cleanse and empower your turquoise in sunlight regularly.
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Awsome – this gave me so much clarity.
I’m so glad! Thank you for reading.